South Dakota Nonprofit Network
Please note that we have extended the deadline for submitting your responses to October 31, 2023..

Thank you to all the South Dakota nonprofits that have already submitted your responses for SDNN's first-ever survey of salary and benefits offered by nonprofit organizations in South Dakota. The survey is an important tool for 501(c)(3) nonprofits to better understand average wages and benefits for the nonprofit sector in our state.
If you have not yet filled out the survey, we invite you to do so. We estimate that it takes about 15 minutes for smaller nonprofits to complete the survey; larger nonprofit organizations will take longer. 

Confidentiality: To ensure confidentiality, we do not and will not disclose individual or organization specific data, and we do not report data for categories that include fewer than three respondents. Your email address and information will not be associated with the rest of your responses to this survey.
The survey has four main sections: (Not all questions apply to every nonprofit.)
1.    Organizational Basics
2.    Employment Data
3.    Benefits
4.    Specific Job Positions and Salary Details

To take the survey:

Your time and effort in filling out the survey will be invaluable as we work together to tell the story of the important role nonprofits have in South Dakota. Those who participate in the survey will receive pooled responses in Fall 2024. This data can help guide decision-making around competitive wages and benefits.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact