South Dakota Nonprofit Network


Connect, support, and elevate nonprofits in South Dakota through collaboration, education, and advocacy. 

What We Do?

The South Dakota Nonprofit Network works to create a sustainable framework of support for nonprofits in South Dakota. SDNN offers training in organizational leadership and change, best practice sharing, and how to advocate for nonprofits. SDNN also supports initiatives in areas of development and innovation through professional development, advocacy, and awards.


SDNN 4th Annual Conference

South Dakota Nonprofit Network 4th Annual Conference


SDNN 4th Annual Conference- June 13 at Cedar Shores in Oacoma

SDNN 4th Annual Conference will be held June 13 at Cedar Sho...

SDNN December Newsletter

In this issue:
Giving Season
Getting Ready for the 20...

SDNN November Newsletter

In this issue: Survey, seminar, social media tips, and more!...

PO Box 1196, Fort Pierre, SD 57532

Founding Members